There is a gorgeous display in the Kew Gardens, as always, but this doesn’t last for a long time. There are fresh blooms of tulips to cherry blossoms (if you don’t miss it) and the humid dungeons of the tropical greenhouses. They have a lot of events throughout all the seasons but one event to keep an eye out for is the Marc Quinn: Light into Life which will be a major new art exhibition taking inspiration from nature and science.

The Kew Gardens offer daily scheduled tours of the gardens if you get lost, but you can always go on self-guided tours. The gardens have signage all over the place educating people on the plants and even occasional fun facts. It seems to be very accessible as well with a lot of ramps though there are some tricky rumble and dirt paths that some wheelchair users may find difficult to go on.

The Kew Gardens demonstrates the diversity of different plantations that we can have in the UK from Monkey Puzzle Trees to Colocasias. Though some imported plants may be invasive and cause danger to native plants it just shows how much variety we could grow in our ‘miserable’ weather.

Additionally, native plants are still in danger of invasive species such as Japanese Knotweed or American Skunk Cabbage. So if you are aspiring to start a garden of your own – research into what you are planting. The planting of native species of plants could also further biodiversity and with helping of native solitary bees which are more helpful with pollinating than honeybees! Kew Gardens’ stores offer houseplants to potentially start your next collection.