Being eco-friendly means making a conscious effort to use products that have been designed to do the least possible damage to the environment. Examples of being eco-friendly consist of using reusable shopping bags, reducing, reusing and recycling clothes and using sustainable alternatives for single use plastics.

By doing small things like these you can make a huge impact in preventing excessive, unnecessary damage to the environment, as 8 million tonnes of plastic finds its way into the ocean every single year. This is such an issue as it takes from 20 to 500 years to fully decompose and even then, it never completely disappears it just reduces in size. Many different marine animals can consume this plastic mistaking it for something else such as turtles, as they may mistake the plastic to be jellyfish.

Things we can do to be more sustainable with our food could be to consider a more plant-based diet, eat as locally as possible, eat as seasonally as possible and think about the packaging. Ultimately the bottom line is that we are the reason this plastic ends up in our oceans and by doing small things such as reducing our plastic consumption we can reduce the harm done to our planet.