For many years - particularly since lockdown, it has been thoroughly encouraged to regulate some form of exercise into our daily lives. An estimation of 25.9% (, 2021) of adults in the country from 2021 were either overweight or obese. 

Even the enthusiastic Boris Johnson lead us into an 'obesity plan' in July 2020 with the removal of 'buy one get one free' deals in supermarkets. To many people's excitement, the launching of bike ride apps gave the whole country an incentive to exercise more regularly. 

One 17 year-old teenager had said "then what better way to exercise and have fun with your friends than going to the gym?" 

One of the biggest barriers to accessing gyms and other fitness resources is the lack of affordable options in many areas. In some parts of the country, there are few or no gyms at all, while in others, the cost of gym memberships is simply too high for many people to afford. This is particularly true for people who live in low-income areas, where the cost of living is already high.

Arguably, these issues could be fixed. For example, include investing in public gyms and other fitness facilities in low-income areas, subsidising gym memberships for people on low incomes, and providing more information and resources to help people make healthier choices.

To address these barriers and promote healthy lifestyles for all, the UK government needs to do more to make fitness resources more accessible and affordable.